Saturday, June 19, 2010

day 1..... the very first one

This is exactly what it looks like... a brand new blog with its first entry, and a baby tomato. The first one we have growing this year. Which in the south is no major feat, but here in North Dakota, it is a BIG thing. A HUGE thing. For one thing, it means that we have managed to keep some of the little kids from picking the "flowers" off of them to bring to me. Secondly, it is a true sign of Summer.You have to remember that there are some years when we have snow on the ground, and on everything else, for a constant 7 months at a time. You learn to savor every moment of every other season when you have winters lasting that long. I remember growing up in Texas, it seemed like we had fresh tomatoes year round, slight exaggeration, but we had them most of the year. Then moving to Missouri as a young adult, I always had them BY the 4th of July. Now, way up here, I am happy and content with knowing that we have baby ones started by the 4th. After we found this one, we found another one of the plants has 2 more little ones. Yep, summer is just around the corner.

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