Sunday, June 20, 2010

day 2..... Father's Day!!!

We had a wonderful day!!! Breakfast made for my husband. The kids must have told him Happy Father's Day a million times. The one day he can claim rest and not work around the house, what's he want to do??? Weeding and mowing and putting in the air conditioners and building more raised garden beds. And that brings us to this picture. That little girl is the house princess, and she will tell you that in no uncertain terms. She weighs in at 41 pounds soaking wet... she insisted that she was going to carry that bag of soil which weighs 40 pounds itself. And she sure did it too... all by herself. From clear over by my car to where we were. She didn't offer to carry another one though. In the background is the 2 year old little boy... he wanted to help, but he didn't get very far :) He helped rake instead. They sure do love to help in the gardens. Our soil stinks here, so we opted to use raised beds this year. So far it is going great with everything coming up well better than I expected. Well, until tomorrow.

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