Saturday, June 26, 2010

day 8..... WE DID IT!!!

One week ago today, I started this blog and have made an entry each day, no matter how tired I have been, or how much we have had going on. We also completed everything on our to-do list for the day that we said we were going to do and then some. The 2 pictures are proof of two completely emptied, sorted, and inventoried deep freezers. A large one with all meat in it, and the smaller one has no meat, but all the veggies, fruits, and miscellaneous. It is a wonderful feeling to have completed. The task took us several hours, but now we know what we have and where it is. Funny thing... for weeks I have heard, "We don't have any turkey burger down there." We have 37 pounds of it. Same with ground beef... 25- three pound packages. We also got some precooking started today, and ended up having a wonderful pot of chili in the cast iron dutch oven for supper. The other things on the list got done as well, laundry, the girls got gone to the rodeo, just hope the weather holds for them, and an unexpected trip to the library for summer reading program...  as we will be gone Monday morning to Fargo.  Now with that inventory done, I can get busy with July menus. I am really thinking we need to add a dessert menu, especially with my husband bringing home new cooking magazines with lots of yummy temptations.

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