Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 4..... and they love to read

Was a nice, normal, nobody got hurt or sick kinda day. While waiting for their lunch, our 8 year son decided to read the 2 year old's favorite book to him. We fought with him for quite some time about learning how to read. He thought books would be boring.... now, he devours them. He has plowed through most of the "How to Train Your Dragon" series, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series, all 8 "Spiderwick Chronicles", and the kid just can't get enough. He is loving the summer reading program through the local library. Every Monday morning at precisely 9:00 a.m. you can find him waiting for the library to open the doors so he can take his reading log in and get his prize and choose a new book or two. And of the 8 kids that are at home still, all of the ones old enough to read are that way. They stay up too late reading. They carry a book with them every time we get into the van. They sneak one with them to put away laundry, watering cats, changing clothes, you name it. For Christmas, each of them always get a large box of books. Our local library has a wonderful book fair that falls in November, just perfect timing for holiday shopping. I can always find something for them that they have asked for, and even more surprise reads that they always end up loving. A road trip to Fargo usually ends with someone finishing the book they got earlier in the day and asking when we are going back to Fargo, before we are even home. Please don't get me wrong, I am proud and lovin' it that we have raised a houseful of devoted readers. Children are a product of their environment, and around here that means reading. We have more books than you could imagine, covering any and every topic that any of us could ever wish for. And if we find ourselves wanting something more??? Barnes Noble is just a road trip away. Two things we never seem to buy enough of to make my husband cringe... groceries and books. He may tease me about my shoe fetish... and yes, I have one. But food and reading material are fair game.  And believe me, with 8 kids in the house to feed and homeschool, those are 2 very good things to have around.

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