Sunday, June 27, 2010

day 9..... a day in the sun

Well, another day gone by. Once again we completed our lists. Supper is cooked ahead of time for tomorrow when I will be gone for the day, housework and laundry, some lesson plans ready to go for little ones, still need to work on the older ones, and lots of yard work. Got half the yard trimmed... all of the yard is mowed thanks to 3 very busy people here. It took work on one mower, trying with another, and lots of work with the one that got it. Thought I was going to have to pick up a mower tomorrow, but we are going to be able to limp this one along until they mark them down for the season. Today's picture is our future fire pit. Our yard is basically divided into 4 areas.... the patio/grilling area, the backyard which is for raised garden beds now, the side yard which is the playspace for the kids. Cedar playset, sandbox, swimming pool, their "space", and then there is the front. That is my getaway. Surrounded by lilac shrubs on one side, unknown shrubs on the other, various trees including Pine, Ash, Willow, Ornamental Cherry, Choke Cherry, and Apricot. It has a fantastic woodland, forest feel to it. We have a garden bench, a rocker glider, a lovely lounger, and a rock garden that is a work in progress. In the midst of it all, we are building a rustic fire pit. Someplace to snuggle on a cool evening around a fire, somewhere to keep mosquito bugs away on warm evenings, and I am really looking forward to huddling around it during chilly fall evenings. The kids are most looking forward to roasting hot dogs and toasting marshmallows more than 1 or 2 camping trips a year. So yes, hopefully by this holiday weekend, it will be completed. Will definitely post pictures.

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