Friday, July 16, 2010

day 28..... wiped out!

This was nap time for Hazen today. We had a very busy day. Riding in the convertible, moon sand, Littlest Petshop, Yo Gabba Gabba Legos, pattern blocks, potato heads, and the list goes on and on. Days like today, even if I sat around and did nothing, I would be exhausted just watching them. There were bike rides, gardens to water, meals to prepare and clean up after, lesson plans that I worked on, clothes and bedding on the line, which by the way, when it came into the house smelled sooooooo good, I had to change bedding even though it wasn't the right day for it yet. I just can't resist the smell of sheets fresh off of the line. And I don't use fabric softener on them.... they smell like they were meant to smell, like the sun and everything under it. Just like when the little ones come in from playing outside... nothing in the world like hugging them and kissing the tops of their heads and breathing in to smell the warmth. Those are happy smells.

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