Thursday, July 8, 2010

day 20..... tomorrow's list

My list for tomorrow keeps growing. Trevin has been driving me bonkers wanting bacon and eggs for a while now, so when I did the menus for the month, I was sure to include them. Watering the gardens is a daily task, sometimes twice daily, unless it is raining. The birds... well, they will have them half empty in about an hour. Tomorrow is payday, enough said. The van... funny story there... I have evidently been driving on expired tags all this month... shhhh! Don't tell anyone, as I have a 45 minute drive to get to the DMV. Next... I have to get back to town by 2:00 as there is a fair event that the kids want to go to. Next, on to the T-shirt shop to pick up a fair board shirt for Brian as I have managed to lose his... and it had shrunk anyways. Then back home to get little ones quieted down, too late for naps, and give spelling tests to the older ones. And then waiting... the doctor was supposed to call yesterday.. she was out of town at a conference, was supposed to call today... never did. I lost track of time this afternoon and next thing I knew, it was 5:13.... guess what... they were already closed for the day. I am not very good at waiting. *sigh*

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