Monday, July 5, 2010

day 17..... let sleeping babies lie

This was taken a few nights ago, after I had already posted for the day, and it is too cute to keep to myself. He was in bed with me and wanting to watch Oobas Yo!!! otherwise know as Yo Gabba Gabba. Well, after turning on an episode with cable's "On Demand", he snuggled in for some nursing and then some hugging and next thing I knew, he was asleep hugging my arm. He stayed that way for quite some time. I ended up leaving the entire episode on and not moving him for fear of waking him. He is quite the little lover boy. His snuggles sure were nice this past winter, he puts off amazing amounts of heat. Let's just say, I really enjoy the down time. He is extremely busy as it is, and I have watched 8 more older than him grow up in the blink of an eye. I am going to cherish every second with this one. Good, bad, or otherwise.

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