Monday, October 25, 2010

day 129..... knees, teeth, and tongues

so..... Lexi was back at the doctor today for a follow-up to her knee injury. She needs an MRI. That is scheduled this Friday. Tomorrow, Caitlin has oral surgery at 7:30 in the morning, which means we are leaving here at 5:15 in the morning to get down there in plenty of time. If the fog is anything like it was this morning, then we are going to need twice that driving time. They are taking out 4 jaw teeth. Should make for an interesting day. And the highlight of today was when we were in Valley for the appointment. We went to Burger King after we were finished as a treat for the younger ones. After slurping away on her frozen coke, Sophie, the resident 6 year old princess, asks me, "Hey Mommy.... do you want to feel how cold my tongue is?" And me, being the dutiful mom, I stuck my hand in the seat behind me so she could touch her cold little tongue to the top of my hand. It was definitely one of those "You know you're a Mom when....." moments. Sigh...

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