Wednesday, October 13, 2010

day 117..... why

I was going to blog about this book tonight. When Kristen was little she liked this book a lot. Caitie loved it even more. Trevin really loved it last year. I love this time of year. The foods, the colors, the smells. And books are part of it. But then something happened to bother me a little. Why... I ask why do some teenagers, hell people in general, why do some of them feel the need to try and outdo others with who has the worst hand dealt to them. I am not tooting my own horn here, but all of our children are very lucky to have the things they do. Meaning all things... family, possessions, everything. I am a little bit tweaked that for whatever reason, one of my children has decided to blame me for something that she wants, it hasn't happened yet, but yet... she is saying it is MY fault, that I won't "let" her. It isn't even my deal. She knows who she is, and she knows what I am talking about. So yeah... that's all.

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