Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

day 129..... knees, teeth, and tongues

so..... Lexi was back at the doctor today for a follow-up to her knee injury. She needs an MRI. That is scheduled this Friday. Tomorrow, Caitlin has oral surgery at 7:30 in the morning, which means we are leaving here at 5:15 in the morning to get down there in plenty of time. If the fog is anything like it was this morning, then we are going to need twice that driving time. They are taking out 4 jaw teeth. Should make for an interesting day. And the highlight of today was when we were in Valley for the appointment. We went to Burger King after we were finished as a treat for the younger ones. After slurping away on her frozen coke, Sophie, the resident 6 year old princess, asks me, "Hey Mommy.... do you want to feel how cold my tongue is?" And me, being the dutiful mom, I stuck my hand in the seat behind me so she could touch her cold little tongue to the top of my hand. It was definitely one of those "You know you're a Mom when....." moments. Sigh...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

day 128..... Hazen at the laundry mat

Hazen's idea of "helping" at the laundry mat consists of him violently shaking the article of clothing for about 30 seconds, waving it around, and then he rolls it up into a ball and sets it on the table, or in the basket, or even on the floor. It was an experience. One that makes me a little more eager to shell out the bucks for a new dryer. But then again..... he really did have a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

day 127..... squirrels

They are now grabbing the corn and running up the tree with it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

day 122..... the critters we are trying to feed

This is a Black-Capped Chickadee. We had a small flock of about 5-6 of them on the feeders today. And in the bushes. And on the ground. If you stand out there quietly for long enough, they will come up real close to you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

day 119..... sad, soggy lump

This sad, soggy looking lump is Hazen's stripey. It met its doom battling a bottle of chocolate milk. Stripey lost. Thank heavens for OxiClean and Era.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

day 117..... why

I was going to blog about this book tonight. When Kristen was little she liked this book a lot. Caitie loved it even more. Trevin really loved it last year. I love this time of year. The foods, the colors, the smells. And books are part of it. But then something happened to bother me a little. Why... I ask why do some teenagers, hell people in general, why do some of them feel the need to try and outdo others with who has the worst hand dealt to them. I am not tooting my own horn here, but all of our children are very lucky to have the things they do. Meaning all things... family, possessions, everything. I am a little bit tweaked that for whatever reason, one of my children has decided to blame me for something that she wants, it hasn't happened yet, but yet... she is saying it is MY fault, that I won't "let" her. It isn't even my deal. She knows who she is, and she knows what I am talking about. So yeah... that's all.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

day 116..... star gazing in the cold, dark night

You don't get a picture of the stars themselves, just the means in which we attempted to gaze at them. The telescope needs some fine tuning, or thrown away. So we boxed it back up and were content to watch with the naked eye. Brilliant night out. The younger kids were amazed that the Big Dipper moves around everywhere we go. Guess I know what a new lesson needs to be in the near future.

Monday, October 11, 2010

day 115..... damn squirrels are getting too smart

What you see is a cooler. That a squirrel has chewed though trying to get inside. Through the lid, and through the handle.  There is birdseed inside. Damn squirrels.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

day 113..... she was really here

In the last 36 hours, I have seen her for maybe 45 minutes. She was at work yesterday, came home to grab clothes and then off to a friend's house for the night, and then off to Fargo for shopping today, and then home for a little while and then off to another friend's for movies. I took a picture so I wouldn't forget what she looked like :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

day 112..... Friday night football

Maddie went to the high school football game tonight. Makes for an interesting night around the home front when the teenagers are all out. We have 5 of the kids home tonight, and the oldest one is 10. So, right now, I am holed up in the bedroom with Hazen watching WAY too many episodes of Spongebob.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

day 111..... love my cricut

LOVE playing with the Cricut. And though you can't see them well on here, there are adorable little purple spiders on the October.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

day 110..... peter pan or captain rhubarb???

He really doesn't make that face all of the time. He was having quite a go at the sun getting him. After all of the rhubarb is harvested each summer, one of their favorite things to do is make hats out of the leaves. Most of the large ones were used long ago, but there are a few little ones left over for his head.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

day 109..... more damn squirrel drama

30 minutes. I kid you not. We had been home all of 30 minutes, IF THAT, and had set out the 40 pound bag of BIRDSEED, only to find out the squirrel had gnawed a hole in the bag and already had helped himself to the tune of a pile of empty shell pieces.

Monday, October 4, 2010

day 108..... roborovski dwarf hamsters

These little things are amazing! We are going to get some, just not sure when. We were at the pet store today and saw some again. Love watching these things to go town on youtube.... hilarious.
And metal it is.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

day 107..... metal or plastic?

Braces that is. The oldest in this picture is going to the orthodontist in the morning for a consultation. One out, one in. Might try and get her in Invisalign. .Who knows. This picture was taken today in Fargo. We were there to drop her off for a HUGE rock festival tonight and then she is staying the night with Kristen. I will go get her in the morning and we will go to the ortho from there.

Friday, October 1, 2010

day 105..... little barbarians

Their favorite meat choices are now the drumsticks so they can eat like "Barbarians". As long as they are eating, that is fine with me.