Monday, January 3, 2011

day 199..... chickens

I want chickens. I want a LOT of chickens. The kids want chickens too, just not as bad as I do. This spring, I am hoping we are able to fulfill that want/need/dream/desire. Somehow, someway, someplace. We are going to have them. We want goats and cows too, but I am willing to start small. We want enough to get plenty of eggs, and when it takes 2 dozen eggs to make scrambled eggs for all of us, that is going to be a lot of chickens. We also want enough to butcher. Whiz bang chicken plucker, here we come. So, as we sit here, with FEET of snow all around us, I do what any other North Dakotan does to get through the long winters.... I start pouring over the seed catalogs, and dream of chickens.

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