Monday, November 8, 2010

day 143..... you know what this means...

It is the 8th and I don't have November menus done. Let's just say that there has been a LOT going on this month. Some good and a lot bad. I think I have been meeting myself coming and going. I am sitting down this evening and trying to come up with at least a weeks worth. If nothing else, just some meals based on the shopping that I got done today. Probably some for the days after Thanksgiving utilizing leftovers. By the time I do that, I should be almost done for the month. My goal is, other than birthdays and holidays, to do no other grocery shopping barring perishables- milk, eggs, cheese.....and really amazing ads. The kids are complaining that the deep freezes are both full. I know both fridge freezers are full. Armed with that information, I should be able to "home shop" out of our freezers and pantries until January...... yeah right.

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